Wednesday, July 1, 2015

 June 29, 2015

So, this week was a little better. I am finally getting used to the area. I met the ward yesterday. I am teaching better with my companion. (BTW THANK YOU BRETT FOR THE FIGURITAS DEL PLAN DE SALVACIÓN!!!! They really help...)

And, I didn't take many pictures this week, if I took any at all. Besides my new planner, I don't think I have any new pics...

Anyways... the week.

Lunes: We found some news. A guy and his son. That's about it...

Martes: We learned that we won't get new planners until Friday. Ugh. I don't remember a lot of this week, because I didn't have a planner.

Wednesday: Yeah, the same. It's in my journal. I had to write everything on a peice of scratch paper.

Thursday: I am writing the days in English again... OOPS.

Viernes: FINALLY I have something to talk about...  Oh yeah. 5 news in one day. We met 3 people that are a married family. Super chill, and it was kinda dumb too, because we were teaching lesson 1, and a theater called "Claun en el Puerto" showed up, unpacked right in front of their house, and started blasting music and stuff. We had to end early and practically yell to teach the prayer. Haha, but he said the prayer no problem. Super kool this family.

Sábado: We taught a single mom and her daughter. The daughter was new. Yeah. Then we had correlation, and were supposed to have ward council. But it didn't happen AGAIN so we had just wasted time, we had a half hour to return and do anything, so we tried to go visit someone, but they weren't home.

Domingo: I forgot to say that on Saturday, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting. 5 minutes no big deal.  So I did it, and I was awesome. I made jokes, and I was super spiritual. Or, at least that is what the bishop said. He could be lying to make me feel better.  we taught Lesson 2 to our insac in the church, and affirmed the fecha for the 11.  Then, we didn't have any success at all, even in divisions, which we do every Sunday here. Nobody was home, or if they were home, they were busy. We set some citas and we contacted, to no avail. I was a little disappointed, but it isn't the first time that it happened.

Lunes: Our toilet was fixed today (It was not broken, but the seal of the upper tank had a little leak, so water was continually flowing into the bowl, so that we had to be turening off water supply except to flush it.)  Then we had district p-day. We just kinda sat there... Boring. But yeah. Then we went back to the room, and I read more Jesus the Christ (THANK YOU GRANDMA FOR THAT BOOK, IT'S SUPER AWESOME!)  I am in chapter 39 of 42. I have less that 100 pgs left of that 800 page book. It is awesome. I love it. My companion thinks I am wierd for reading it so much.

That was my week. Sorry for not having anything to say for the beginning of the week...

The weather is a bit chilly. It is winter, but here, it is like home, only not as cold in the winter. The humidity is what hits the hardest. I get really freezing cold hands all day long, but the rest of me is warm enough to use my short sleeve most of the time. There are times where I need to use the sweater over my shirt, but it isn't very often. And when the sun is out (which is rare) it is REALLY hot. But that is not normal right now.

Still have good food.

Entonces, ya. Me he dado cuenta de que mi español es mejor que algunas otras. Eso es una sorpresa para mi. Mi confianza está creciendo. El don de lenguas es real. Me encanta ver eso. Hay veces, claro, en que no quiero hablar más, como en las noches y mañanas, porque no puedo pensar muy bien, pero es una gran bendición tener este don. Gracias pro todo su apoyo. Puedo sentirlo constantemente. Les amo a ustedes mucho, y quiero que todos pueden servir en una manera o otra. Jayden, Esté seguro que yo escucho de su llamamiento. Espero que está sirviendo en Perú, porque es lo máximo, pero estoy agradecido que ha tenido estas ganas para compartir este evangelio.  Otra vez, les amo a todos ustedes, y quiero lo mejor para ustedes. Sigan siendo chéveres!

(So now. I realized that my Spanish is better than some others. That's a surprise
 for me. My confidence is growing. The gift of tongues is real. I love to see 
that. There are times , of course, they do not want to talk more , as in the 
evenings and mornings , because I can not think very well , but it is a great 
blessing to have this gift. Thank you for being supportive. I can feel it constantly. 
I love you very much, and I want everyone to serve in one way or another . Jayden,
 Be sure I hear their appeal . I hope he is serving in Peru , because it is the
 ultimate , but I'm grateful to have had this desire to share the gospel. Again,
 I love all of you , and I want the best for you . Nifty remain !)

Elder Olsen
This is what missionaries would call here, TRUNKY


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